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Celebrated for their botanical beauty, the gardens contain an interesting selection of trees and shrubs, including Chusan palms, tulip tree, mulberry, dawn redwood, swamp cypress, Chinese dogwood, Adam's Laburnum, common walnut, Oxydendrum arboreum, a collection of dwarf conifers and many others. The south-facing rockery site is protected by walls and has proved to be a microclimate well suited to growing plants such as Abutilon and other marginally hardy species which may be hard put to resist the winters in less amenable sites.

A puddled-clay pond at the foot of the rockery supports several terrapins and fish, while being edged by an assortment of royal ferns, marsh marigolds, skunk cabbage, Gunnera and some species of Iris. A stream that meanders down the rockery slope feeds it and there is a naturalness that belies the man-made background to the site.